Dr. Payton earned a Doctorate of Ministry degree in 2023 from Garrett-Evangelical Seminary at Northwestern University in Strategic Leadership for Black Congregations. He is a 2001 graduate from Morehouse College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Religion and Philosophy and obtained his Master of Divinity degree from Princeton Theology Seminary in 2004. In addition, Dr. Payton holds special certifications in Nonprofit Management from Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University; Theology and Racialized Policing, and Justice Reform from Howard University; and as a Master Trainer of Trainers in Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) from ACE Interface founded by Dr. Rob Anda. Currently, Dr. Payton is a member of the National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network (CTN) Advisory Committee and the Michigan Prevention and Wellness Advisory Board. In addition to serving as Social Justice Commission Chairman for the National Baptist Convention of America, for nearly 20 years Dr. Payton continues to lead the New Bethel Missionary Baptist Church in Pontiac, Michigan as Senior Pastor. He is the proud father of two children, Gayle (10 years, left in picture) and Grace (6 years, right).
Email: Revksp@gmail.com